Integrity: Going by the motto “ethics in communication”, in-Touch is a company of indisputable integrity and an intact reputation in the market.
Trust: No business can survive without trust. It is the cornerstone of all business activities, especially when there is a partnership involved. At in-Touch, we regard all clients as partners.
Transparency: We have no hidden agendas or special circumstances. We believe in full disclosure of information, which is vital for cooperation and collective decision making.
Customerfocus:Trying to do what is right for each one of our customers is the foundation on which we built our work. Our efforts are targeted towards doing interesting and valuable work, always reminding ourselves to be humble. In the words of Richard Branson, founder of Virgin, “A business is simply an idea to make other people’s lives better”.
Care for our Partners: We work closely with our partners in growth, by engaging in synergies that call for mutual support and contribute to each other’s development.